Managing Products

When generating product descriptions on Hypotenuse AI, you want to know their status—which ones require review, which are done, and which are not. That’s where our Product Tabs, Search, and Filter features come in.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use:

Product Tabs – Easily categorize products by their status

Product Search – Quickly find specific products

Product Filter – Narrow down products based on generation status

Product Tabs

Product Tabs - Help you categorize products based on their status.

“New” - When products are imported or added, they land in this tab. Treat the “New” tab as your to-do list, anything here needs attention.

“Done” - After generating and reviewing a description, mark the product as "Done" to move it here. This tab should act as your "ready for export" section.

“All” - This tab shows every product in your catalog, regardless of status.

You can find all three tabs on the top left of your screen.

Product Search & Filter

Our Search and Filter features help you find and sort products quickly.

  • Search: Find specific products within the catalog by typing their names here.
  • Filter: Sort the product descriptions that are ready for review or those that have no descriptions with 4 filters:
    • All: Displays all products.
    • Failed to Generate: Displays products that encountered errors. When having such issues, try refreshing your page and generating again.
    • Generated: Displays products with successfully generated descriptions.
    • Not Generated: Displays products that don’t have descriptions generated yet.
You can find the Search and Filter tools on the top right of your screen

By following the best practices outlined above, you can ensure that your product catalog remains well-organized. If you need further support, feel free to reach out to!

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