Uploading Product Images

Uploading images is optional— our AI can generate descriptions with just a product title and features. 

Uploading an image results in product feature tags being generated based on the picture.

It can also help you reference your product more easily while generating descriptions or adding product features.

Click on "Upload Image" to provide an image of your product.

Optimize Your Workflow

Our AI generates unique product descriptions for your products. 

However, they still require a human editor to check them for accuracy, relevance and brand voice. Uploading a product image gives you an easy reference point for a smoother workflow.

Bulk Import Images with CSV

Save time by using our Import Products feature that allows you to upload products and their images in bulk. 

Check out how it's done in this guide.

If you need further support, please reach out to hello@hypotenuse.ai and a member of our team would be more than happy to assist you.

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