Product Descriptions: Import Products in Bulk with CSV Files

This article will help you learn how to upload products and images in bulk through an Excel spreadsheet or custom .csv file.

You can find the Import button at 2 locations: 1) the top right corner, and 2) the centre of an empty catalog. Once you click this, the Import Products pop-up will appear. 

How do I upload products in bulk?

Method 1: Download and use the sample template

  1. Click sample template to download the sample .csv file.
  2. Open the file in  Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet editor. This file includes the headers that match the fields of our product description generator:
    • title : The product title/name (required).
    • imgSrc : The direct link to your product image. If you don't have an image link, you can upload through your local file as well (find out how to do this below).
    • brand : The brand of your product, if you want it to be featured in the description.
    • tags : A list of features that describe your product. These will help our AI understand your product better.
    • sku : Your own product reference ID that can help you search for the product within Hypotenuse.
    • seoKeywords : These are SEO keywords that you'd like this product page to rank for, it will be included in the generated descriptions.
    • enrichUrl : If you key in a URL, our AI will read from the provided link and reference that when generating product descriptions.
  3. Copy and paste your product data into the right columns, one product per row.
  4. Save the file in .csv or .xlsx format once you're done.
  5. Click to upload or drag your file into the box shown below, then click Next to import your products into your catalog.

Method 2: Use any .csv or .xlsx file, and map your fields

Only available for subscribers.

If you have product data in a .csv or .xlsx file from your current CMS (such as WooCommerce or Magento), you can upload it directly to our platform. There’s no need to adjust your file to fit a specific template. After uploading, you'll have the option to match your product titles, attributes, and brands with the corresponding fields in our system. This ensures your data is organized and integrated smoothly.

  1. Click to upload or drag your file into the box shown above. Then click Next to import your products into your catalog.
  2. Map the fields in your spreadsheet to ours by selecting a header from each of the dropdown on the right.
    • title : The product title/name (required).
    • imgSrc : The direct link to your product image. If you don't have an image link, you can upload through your local file as well (find out how to do this below).
    • brand : The brand of your product, if you want it to be featured in the description.
    • tags : A list of features that describe your product. These will help our AI understand your product better.
    • sku : Your own product reference ID that can help you search for the product within Hypotenuse.
    • seoKeywords : These are SEO keywords that you'd like this product page to rank for, it will be included in the generated descriptions.
    • enrichUrl : If you key in a URL, our AI will read from the provided link and reference that when generating product descriptions.

Note: While only the product title is required, we recommend filling as many fields as you can. This way, the product descriptions you generate will be more optimized and tailored to you.

  1. It should look something like this if you've mapped all fields (i.e. there'll be a smaller title above the field, and a standard-sized title in the field.

  1. Once you're done, click Submit to import the product information into your catalog.

Method 3: Custom integration from your PIM

Only available for enterprise customers.

If you're looking for a more seamless way to upload your product information, we also provide custom integration directly from your product information management system.

Reach out to us for more information here!

How do I upload images in bulk?

Method 1: Include image links in the uploaded product file

If you have image links available, you can include them in the .csv or .xlxs file together with the rest of the product information (find out how to do this above).

Method 2: Uploading your image from a .zip folder

You might not have an image link available, and only images in your computer files. Fret not, you can upload them as a .zip file.

  1. Expand the section titled "Upload images from folder" by clicking on the arrow beside it.
  2. Name your .zip file. We recommend using the same name as your catalog (e.g. dec-2024-seasonal-launch)
  3. Name your image files—each image should have a unique name (e.g. sku123-black-umbrella).
  4. In your spreadsheet, the imgSrc column of your black umbrella product should be "zip-file-name/image-file-name" (e.g. dec-2024-seasonal-launch/sku123-black-umbrella). This is how your image gets matched to the product, so do make sure its named accurately.

That's it! You're now equipped with all the information you need to start generating high-quality product descriptions in bulk.

If you need further support, please reach out to and a member of our team would be more than happy to assist you.

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