Getting started with HypoChat

HypoChat is an AI chatbot that makes it easy for you to write content—just start chatting and see HypoChat respond, then use the editor to put your content together. It can also search for real-time factual data on the internet if it doesn't know enough, or take information from a link you provide.

What can I do with HypoChat?

  • Conduct real-time research: HypoChat is connected to the Internet, so you can search for factual data and find the latest statistics and reports to back up your writing on current events.
  • Get specific information from webpages: HypoChat can read any page you send it and answer specific questions about them. Just provide HypoChat with a link, along with instructions, and it will scrape content from the webpages and return the information you need.
  • Benefit from HypoChat's memory: HypoChat remembers what you’ve said within the current conversation, and can use that to inform its next response. This means it can keep pace with your writing, and you don’t need to repeat what’s been said.
  • Write, repurpose, and edit paragraphs in one place: With HypoChat's integrated document editor, you can chat and write simultaneously without having to switch tools, all in one place.

How to use HypoChat

First, go to HypoChat, which is located in the sidebar.

1. Instruct the AI or ask a question

To start using HypoChat, simply ask a question, give a command, or write instructions of what you would like to generate.

The AI is designed to understand natural language, so while you can type in a simple instruction, being specific will help HypoChat give you a good response.

How can I be more specific?

Here are some things that can help you produce more precise content:

  • Type and format writing you want (e.g. press release, how-to guide, social media post)
  • Tone of voice (e.g. humorous, enthusiastic, factual)
  • Persona (e.g. journalist, travel blogger, food critic)

Adding URL links

Links are also supported. Simply paste in your URL link, and HypoChat can read and extract information from it, together with following your instructions.

HypoChat supports most URLs as long as they contain text, though pages that are private, paywalled, require authentication, or contain only media (like images, videos or PDFs) can’t be read.

Example prompts

  • Get key ideas from a page: Extract the key ideas from [https://…] and write it in the format of a press release.
  • Take on a persona: You are a tech reviewer writing a comparison blog about the latest iPhone models. Compare the specifications of the iPhone 13 mini and iPhone 13 models and provide a quick summary of which model is better for a filmmaker. Write in a factual and conversational tone.
  • Write a newsletter: Write a weekly email newsletter commenting on the effects of climate change using information from [https://…] and [https://…]. Write an introduction, followed by a briefing in bullet point form.
  • Write for clarity: Explain X in a way a 12 year old would be able to understand. Include the words Y and Z in your response.

2. Edit and put your content together

As you chat with HypoChat, you can compose your content in the editor on the right.

Editor basics

  • Inserting content: If you're happy with the content that HypoChat has generated for you, you can easily insert it into the document editor by clicking on the 'Insert into Editor' button. This will allow you to make any necessary changes to the text directly in the editor, such as editing for grammar, style, or tone.

  • Chat-only mode: You can close the document editor by clicking on the 'Close editor' button. If you're using the chat-only view, the document editor will automatically open when you click the 'Insert into Editor' button.

3. Continue the conversation

You can also ask sequential questions to take advantage of HypoChat's excellent memory, or give additional instructions to create more content or improve on what’s been written. HypoChat will remember the context of your previous conversation and can provide more specific and relevant information to your follow-ups.

Chat threads & history

Click on the ‘New chat’ button on the left sidebar to start a new chat thread, or simply drag and drop a PDF document into the upload box to start a new thread automatically.

Keep your workplace tidy and delete unwanted threads by clicking on the bin icon next to a thread.

Note: Chat threads will be automatically named using your file name, or your first query. You can edit your chat thread name by clicking the pencil icon next to the chat thread name at the top left corner of the conversation.

What are some ways I can use HypoChat’s conversational abilities?

HypoChat is a powerful game changer for anyone using it right. We’ve put together some ideas for you on how to make the most of it.

HypoChat Settings

Depth or Speed

  • Depth: returns a more comprehensive answer
  • Speed: returns an answer at a faster speed

Web search

Toggle between online and offline settings using the 'Search web' dropdown box.


How can I save my document?

Your document is autosaved every time changes are made. Whether you switch to other content tabs or logout of your account, HypoChat will remain the same as you left it.

The information returned by HypoChat is incorrect. Why is that?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a complex process that can sometimes lead to errors due to misinterpreting input or failing to understand the context of the conversation. Additionally, in cases where the requested information cannot be returned—such as when requested content is hidden behind a paywall—HypoChat will still offer a response to the best of its knowledge, which may contain inaccurate information.

There is a message telling me that the rate limit has been hit. What does this mean?

We impose a rate limit on the usage of HypoChat as part of our fair use policy to prevent abuse. But not to worry, you will be able to use the tool again when the rate limit resets at the start of your subscription plan.

Alternatively, you can consider upgrading your subscription plan to continue using HypoChat immediately.

Is the information retrieved by HypoChat online plagiarized?

Nope, HypoChat references sources online but writes everything from scratch. When it retrieves content from URL links, HypoChat reads the content and rewrites the information completely.

How does HypoChat compare to ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT is undeniably one of the best general purpose chatbots in the market right now, HypoChat is a standout alternative in the content marketing space. Without going into the technical details, HypoChat’s advantage lies in the following areas:

  • Connection to the Internet
  • Integration with document editor for efficient workflow
  • Ease of writing long-form content
  • Ability to read content from URL links

As a purpose-built tool for content marketing, HypoChat excels at its job of making the copywriting process more efficient for writers and content marketers.

Want to know more? Read this blog article co-written by Hypotenuse AI.

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